Get Active & Stay Active

Referring to physical activity, being “active” isn’t just about exercise. An “active” lifestyle may also include activities like volunteering, gardening, book club or even meeting on a usual basis with friends for a social hour.

For older adults an active senior living can do wonders for each of the five areas of wellness: physical, intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual. Studies show that seniors over age 74 experience the largest relative gains in survival and healthy life from physical activity. But those activities that focus on the other areas of wellness can be just as beneficial. Listed below are four areas of the most life changing benefits of an active senior living community.

Increased life expectancy

The guidelines issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommend that older adults engage in at least “150 minutes of moderate-intensity, or 75 min of vigorous, aerobic physical activity per week.” Because studies show an overall lower risk of mortality and a significant decrease in functional abilities of adults who are physically active.

Mental acuity

Even if you are limited in your mobility, you can stay active with puzzles, dice and card games, crafting, writing, reading and music.

Doing “brain exercises” can help build brain cells and preserve the precious connections between. Incorporating mental exercises into an active senior living routine is not only a maintenance task, but it can improve brain function at a cellular level. Those who maintain a lifelong practice of reading and writing experienced a 14% less decline in their mental capacity at the end of their lives versus those who did not engage in such activities.

Loving community

One of the best parts of growing older is enjoying friendships and making more time for them. With 70+ years of connections, it can be hard to see how anyone in their old age could be lonely. However, the truth is that it can take some work to nurture relationships, especially if we have moved or had changes in interest and activities over the years. Finding an active senior living community that puts people first, and offers a large selection of life enrichment programming is a crucial first step in ensuring you never have to be alone.

Peace of mind

Finally, being at peace is something we all want to say we achieved in life. There’s no better time to find spiritual fulfillment than as an older adult. Whether you choose to worship, pray, meditate, or simply reflect on the connections we have with the world around us, the benefits include a deeper sense of purpose. Purpose is something we all require at any stage of life.


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